
Voroshilov Bazante

He was born in the city of Quito, Ecuador, on February 5, 1939, the son of Major Atahualpa Bazante and Dr. Mercedes Castro Galarza. As a child, he traveled to the city of Ambato with his mother and his grandfather Modesto Castro Bossano, who effectively took on the intellectual upbringing of young Voroshilov.

His artistic life began at the age of 17 when the novelist and painter Luis E. Martínez opened the doors of his workshop in Ambato for him. It was there that the world of painting captivated him. He held his first solo exhibition at the Casa de la Cultura in Ambato in the year 1960.

With the spirit and courage that have always characterized him, he embarked on an adventure, journeying to Rio de Janeiro and Recife, and then to Hamburg by sea. He traveled across Europe and, from Marseille, returned once again to Rio de Janeiro. From there, he traveled overland to Santa Cruz de la Sierra (Bolivia) and Peru before finally returning to Ecuador.

Voroshilov con mascota
Voroshilov foto

Back in Ecuador in 1961, he continues his venture into painting and exhibits in Cuenca, Guayaquil, and Loja, at the Houses of Culture in each of the mentioned cities. In 1962, Manta becomes the city that welcomes him; there, he lives among its residents and integrates into activities with the fishermen. During this period, his works focus on fishing and ports with their vessels.

Muralism becomes the next stage in his exploration of the visual arts. Back in Ambato, he creates the mural “The History of Man,” measuring 2 x 8 meters, a piece completed in what used to be the Seminario Pío XII, dating back to 1963. In the chapel of Seminario Pío XII, in 1965, he creates “The Process of Christ,” a mural measuring 3 meters x 14 meters.

In 1967, he prepares an exhibition in Ambato; on this occasion, Benjamin Carrión is the one who introduces the presentation. Critics show interest in Voroshilov’s work: newspaper and magazine columnists comment on his pieces. In 1968, the First Biennial of Quito takes place, and he participates. Faced with discontent and protest, he chooses to destroy the exhibited works. Galleries and museums in Brazil, Canada, Cuba, Guatemala, Mexico, and Spain will be spaces that host his works in individual exhibitions.

His self-taught education persists. He travels to the United States, exhibiting in galleries in New York and Washington; then, he crosses the border and reaches Canada. There, he connects with various visual artists and art critics, and in 1969, he decides to settle in Montreal. He enrolls at the University of Quebec, where he studies architecture, painting, and ceramic sculpture. Eager to explore and learn about artistic endeavors in different parts of the world, he travels to Europe. In the years 1970 and 1971, he studies at the School of Fine Arts in Paris, France, and later in Kyoto, Japan. He delves into an oriental drawing workshop during the years 1972 and 1973.

His artistic career continues with individual and group exhibitions in Germany, Spain, France, Portugal, and the Czech Republic, among other countries. Critics pay attention, highlighting the characteristics of his work and acknowledging him as one of the prominent visual artists in Latin America and the world.

Vorishilov joven
Voroshilov en taller

Upon returning to his native Ecuador in 1980, he establishes his residence in Quito, and from his studio, he continues his work in painting, artistic ceramics, engraving, and drawing. Simultaneously, he receives invitations to exhibit his works in museums and galleries in various countries across America, Europe, and Asia, including China and Japan.

In 2011, the Pontifical Catholic University of Quito (PUCE) invites him to present the “Grand Retrospective,” where he manages to showcase more than 600 pieces that illustrate his nearly six decades of work. His tireless efforts unfold across numerous countries. In 2013, he holds the exhibition “Liberty, Lights of Ecuador” at the Palace of Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. During his stay, he is invited to capture his work and paints the mural “Liberty,” which is now displayed in that institution. In 2014, he receives the National Juan León Mera Award, Trophy, and Gold Medal for his extensive life and dedication to the art.

In 2016, he was invited to exhibit his work at the Town Hall of the VIII District of Paris with the exhibition “Chromatique Pluridimensionnelle” and at the Abbaye de Talloires with “Exposition Unique,” both in France. He was a special guest of the Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China, sharing his knowledge with the most distinguished visual artists in the country. During this time, he held the exhibition “Trazos y Colores” at the Jiangsu Art Museum in Nanjing.

Throughout the pandemic, between 2020 and 2022, he undertook one of his most ambitious projects: the mural titled “The History of the Universe, The Solar System, Earth, and Humanity” at the Equinoccial Technological University (UTE) in Ecuador. This masterpiece deserves global recognition for its magnitude and significance.

Voroshilov Taller obra

At the age of eighty-five, Voroshilov Bazante has devoted more than six decades to various art forms such as drawing, engraving, painting, sculpture, muralism, paper, and teaching. He stands out as a tireless creator of cosmic worlds, showcasing exceptional maturity in his abstract artistic expression.


2019 Quito, Galería Sara Palacios

2018 Quito, Voroshilov Bazante. Organización Latinoamericana de Energía (OLADE).

2016 Ecuador, Ambato, “Sol de Noviembre”, Museo Luis E. Martínez

2011 Quito, Ecuador. Voroshilov Bazante: retrospectiva 1958 – 2011. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador (PUCE).

2009 Ambato, Sala de Exposiciones Club Tungurahua.

2008 Quito, Instituto Geográfico Militar

2005 Guayaquil, Galería Todo Arte

2000 Quito, Centro Arte Universidad Técnica Equinoccial (UTE).

2000 Cuenca, Invitado especial en el XIX aniversario del Museo de Arte Moderno

2000 Quito, Ecuador. Bazante 2000. Museo Nacional de la Casa de Cultura Ecuatoriana

2000 Guayaquil, Museo Antropológico del Banco del Pacífico.

1995 Loja, Museo del Banco Central.

1995 Ambato, Centro de Exposiciones PROA.

1993 Quito, Ejecución del mural Amerindia. Sede de la OLADE.

1992 Invitado especial Bienal XVIII de Artes Visuales, Museo de Arte.

1992 Guayaquil, Centro de Arte Gala.

1990 Quito, Centro de Arte L Art.

1989 Quito, Dibujos de caballos, Pusuquí.

1989 Quito, Academia Diplomática.

1988 Cuenca, Alianza Francesa.

1988 Quito, Galería Exedra.

1987 Quito, Club del Condado.

1987 Quito, Alianza Francesa.

1986 Quito, La Galería.

1985 Guayaquil, Galería Madeleine Hollander.

1985 Cuenca, Museo de Arte Moderno.

1985 Quito, Galería Sosa Larrea. (Galería Sosa Nesle)

1985 Quito, Galería Club de Arte 25 años de Dibujo

1984 Quito, Museo Guayasamín.

1983 Guayaquil. Galería Perspectiva.

1983 Latacunga, Ecuador, Casa de la Cultura.

1983 Azogues, Ecuador, Casa de la Cultura.

1983 Cuenca, Casa de la Cultura Núcleo de Cuenca.

1983 Quito, Sala de Arte Contemporáneo.

1982 Quito, Museo de la Casa de la Cultura.

1981 Quito, Galería del Colegio de Arquitectos.

1977 Quito, Galería Altamira, Salón Nacional de Dibujo. (Colectiva)

1972 Quito, Galería Altamira.

1968 Quito, Primera Bienal de Quito. (Colectiva)

1968 Quito, Exposición de 27 óleos. Centro de Estudios Brasileros.

1967 Riobamba, Primer Salón de Pintura. (Colectiva)

1966 Quito, Casa de la Cultura.

1962 Quito. Museo de Arte Colonial (Colectiva)

1962 Guayaquil, Casa de la Cultura.

1962 Cuenca, Casa de la Cultura.

1962 Loja, Universidad de Loja.

1960 Ambato, Casa de la Cultura.


2017 Nanjing, República Popular China. Trazos y colores – Exposición pictórica del Ecuador. Museo de Arte de Jiangsu – Nanjing, 18 de mayo – 15 de junio de 2017. Ministerio de Cultura de la República Popular China – Embajada del Ecuador en la República Popular China.

2016 Francia, Paris. “Chromatique Pluridimensionnelle”, Ayuntamiento del 8° Distrito de París.

2016 Francia. Talloires, “Exposition Unique”, Abbaye de Talloires

2013 Suiza, Ginebra. “Libertad, luces del Ecuador”, Palacio de Naciones Unidas.

1994 República Dominicana, Santo Domingo. Centro de Arte NOUVEAN.

1994 Estados Unidos, Miami. Exposición de Arte Contemporáneo NADER.

1993 República Dominicana, Santo Domingo. Centro Ecuestre Las Colinas.

1992 República Dominicana, Santo Domingo. Galería de Arte NADER.

1992 República Dominicana, Santo Domingo. Invitado especial Bienal XVIII de Artes Visuales, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo.

1991 Japón, Bienal Kochi-ket.

1990 Centro de Arte L Art.

1989 Suiza, Zurich. Galería Roswitha Benkert.

1989 Checolslovaquia, Praga. Galería Uluv.

1989 Cuba, La Habana. Casona del Fondo Cubano de Bienes Culturales, Plaza Vieja.

1988 Estados Unidos, New Haven Connecticut. Popular Bank.

1988 Alemania, Berlín. Galería Weidendamm.

1985 Paraguay, Asunción. Centro Cultural Juan Salazar.

1985 Brasil, Brasilia. Teatro Nacional.

1983 Francia, Lyon. Arte Decorative.

1982 Canadá, Montreal. Historique Mc. Tavish Du Vieux.

1974 Canadá, Montreal, Canadá. Galería Libre.

1973 Portugal, Lisboa. Galería Cenit.

1972 Canadá, Montreal, Canadá. Galería Libre.

1972 Canadá, Toronto. Acts Club.

1971 Bélgica, Bruselas. Galería Angle Agú.

1970 España, Madrid, España. Galería Edaf.

1969 Canadá, Montreal. Terre des Hommes Pavillon.

1969 Canadá, Otawa. University´s Tabaret Hall.

1969 Estados Unidos, Washington. Agra Gallery.

1969 México, Sala de Arte Opic.

1969 Guatemala, Universidad Popular.

1968 Brasil, Río de Janeiro. Invitación especial de la Dirección Académica de la Escuela de Bellas Artes de la Universidad Federal de Río.

1968 Brasil, Rio de Janeiro. Galería H. Stern.

1968 Brasil, Sao Paulo. Galería Voltaico.

1965 Estados Unidos, Washington. Agra Gallery.

1965 Estados Unidos, New York. Agra Gallery.


2019 Ecuador. Universidad Internacional del Ecuador (UIDE), Quito

2008 Ecuador. Instituto Geográfico Militar, 80 Años de Creación. Quito

2008 Ecuador. Centro Cultural Centro de la Piel, PUCE, Desnudo en el Arte Contemporáneo Ecuatoriano. Quito

2005 Ecuador. Salón Andino de Acuarela, Museo Municipal de Arte Moderno. Cuenca

2002 Ecuador. Salón de Exposiciones Roberto Freire Cabrera. Riobamba, Ecuador.

2002 Ecuador. Banco Central del Ecuador, Los Años 60 las Artes Plásticas en el Ecuador. Quito, Ecuador

2002 Ecuador. Galería L´Art, Obra Gráfica Latinoamericana. Quito, Ecuador.

2001 Ecuador. Centro Cultural Benjamín Carrión. Pequeña Antología de la Moderna Acuarela Ecuatoriana. Quito, Ecuador.

2000 Hall del Teatro Nacional de la Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana. Quito, Ecuador.

1999 Museo Arqueológico del Banco Pacífico, Fibras y Arte. Guayaquil, Ecuador.

1998 Banco Central del Ecuador, Eros en el arte ecuatoriano, Quito, Ecuador.

1997 Art Forvm, Exposición del CLAP, Club Latinoamericano de Papeleros, Capítulo Ecuador Arte de Papel. Quito, Ecuador

1995 Alianza Francesa. Quito, Ecuador

1984 Superintendencia de Bancos, Pintura Contemporánea. Quito, Ecuador

1979 Galería Altamira, Exposición Décimo Aniversario. Quito, Ecuador


2017 China. “Sharing the Beauty” Latin American Contemporary Art Exhibition, China Millenium Monument. Beijing.

2005 Canadá. Salón Iberoamericano de Artes Plásticas, Espacio México. Montreal.

2001 Ecuador. Centro Cultural Benjamín Carrión. Pequeña Antología de la Moderna Acuarela Ecuatoriana. Quito, Ecuador.

2000 Embajada del Ecuador en España, Integración en la Cultura. Madrid, España.

2000 Ex Convento de San Lorenzo, Tianguis de Papel Hecho a Mano. México.

1998 Museo Nacional de Bellas artes. Santiago, Chile.

1998 Centro Cultural Recoleta, Primera Bienal Latinoamericana Arte con Papel Hecho a Mano, Invitado. Buenos Aires, Argentina

1998 Papel Arte II, Exposição do CLAP, Clube Latino-Americano de Papeleros, Sao Paulo, Brasil.

1997 Casa de América, Ecuador Contemporáneo. Madrid, España.

1997 Banco Central do Brasil, Espaço Cultural, Brasilia, Brasil.

1996 ECT Galería de Arte, Clube Latino-Americano de Papeleiros. Brasilia, Brasil.

1993 Nader Art Gallery, International Art Exposition, Miami Beach Convention Center. Miami Florida, USA.

1992 XVIII Bienal de Artes Visuales, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo. Santo Domingo, República Dominicana. Invitado Especial.

1992 Nader Art Gallery, Feria Internacional del Arte. Caracas, Venezuela.

1992 Nader Art Gallery, Feria Internacional de Arte. Bogotá, Colombia.

1990 Centro Cultural da UFMG, Segundo Encontro de Papel Artesanal. Belo Horizonte, Brasil.

1990: Japón.

1989 Fondo Cumabo de Bienes Culturales. La Habana, Cuba.

1989 Galería Weidendamm. Berlín, Alemania.

1988 Popular Bank. New Heaven, Connecticut, USA.

1985 Sala Villalobos, Teatro Nacional. Brasilia, Brasil.

1982 Historique Mc Tavish De Vicux. Montreal, Canadá.

1973 Art Décorativ. Lyon, Francia.

1972 Galería Libre. Montreal, Canadá.

1972 Arts Club. Toronto, Canadá.

1971 Galería Angle Agu. Bruselas, Bélgica.

1970 Galería Edaf. Madrid, España.

1969 University´s Tabaret Hall. Montreal, Canadá.

1969 Agra Gallery. Washington, USA

1969 Sala de Arte Opio. México

1969 Universidad Popular. Guatemala

1968 Galería Macunaíma. Invitación especial de la Dirección Académica. Río de Janeiro, Brasil.


Fondo Cubano de Bienes Culturales. La Habana, Cuba.

Fondo del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano. La Habana, Cuba.

Gabinete Museo Internacional. Berlín, Alemania.

Galería de las Américas. La Habana, Cuba.

Galería Nacional de Praga, Museo Internacional. Praga, República Checa.

Museo de Arte Contemporáneo. Otawa, Canadá.

Museo de Arte Internacional. Berlín, Alemania.

Museo de Arte Internacional. Dresden, Alemania.

Museo de Arte Moderno de la Casa de Cultura Ecuatoriana. Quito, Ecuador.

Museo de Arte Moderno. Brasilia, Brasil.

Museo de Arte Moderno. Cuenca, Ecuador.

Museo de Arte Moderno. Lima, Perú.

Museo de Ibiza. Ibiza, España.

Museo del Banco de los Andes. Quito, Ecuador.

Museo Kochi. Kochi, Japón.