Multidimensional polychromy
beyond the cosmos
Artistic reference of Ecuador and the world
Born in Quito in 1939, Voroshilov Bazante, an Ecuadorian-Canadian painter, embarked on his fascinating artistic journey from an early age. Initially self-taught, he later earned a Master of Arts degree from the University of Quebec, Canada. Over decades, he has explored the world through travels and various stays, actively engaging in enriching creative dialogues with various art movements. His talent has been recognized with numerous mentions, diplomas, and awards, and his works have been widely exhibited around the globe. Currently, he resides on the outskirts of Quito, where he finds constant inspiration in his home studio, keeping the artistic flame alive that propels the continuity of his legacy.
“I do not aspire to transcend personally; rather, my ambition is for the work to transcend. That is the responsibility of the artist.”
specialized criticism

Marianne de Tolentino
French art critic, CURATOR, CULTURAL ADVISOR, MEMBER of the International Association of Art Critics.
"Voroshilov Bazante considers himself both an Ecuadorian, Latin American, and universal artist."

Hernán Rodríguez Castelo
Ecuadorian writer, historian, art critic, essayist and linguist
"Even in the most lyrical and contemporary abstraction, Voroshilov Bazante infuses his knowledge of the demanding Renaissance technique, one of the academic challenges perfectly assimilated and capable of resurfacing in any period and theme."

José Alfredo Llerena
Ecuadorian poet, journalist, narrator and essayist.
"Paintings skillfully constructed, from whose harmony it can be inferred that Voroshilov has deeply trained in composition—a matter achieved through responsible and exhaustive studies."

Rémy Durand
French writer, poet, translator and art critic.
"The horses by Voroshilov Bazante compel us to awaken our perception of the world, to give dimension to the conscious and the unconscious, to the known and the dreamed."

Claudio Mena Villamar
Ecuadorian essayist, poet, jurist, journalist and teacher.
"Bazante asserts himself through a formal treatment that was anticipated in his previous work, where the broad rhythm of the brushstroke, in free movement, imposes a gestural quality to his painting. This appreciation for the calligraphic has been consolidating in Bazante's body of work, evident in his drawings and now gaining decisive significance in his oil paintings."

Jorge Mogrovejo
Ecuadorian plastic artist.
"Bazante's work skillfully blends the beautiful dynamic solutions of futurism with the brilliant preoccupation of surrealism in its most challenging and thoughtful expression of automatism."

Bruno Sáenz Andrade
Ecuadorian poet and writer.
"He paints with his hands and with his eyes; and above all, his art distances itself day by day from the initial impressionism and all figurativism. He painted colonial perspectives, clusters of streets and houses, the horses that made him famous, compositions bordering on the dreamlike. He dared to isolate, one from the other, the strokes and volumes. He reached the point of suggesting barely the imprint of the city and the vegetal theme. He embraced abstraction."